Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Another Block done

This is a picture of my latest block completed for the "I Believe" Christmas quilt.(I have the other blocks on a previous post.) Only 3 more blocks to go!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Spring Bunny

I pulled out a wall hanging that I made last year. It's from a Pat Sloan pattern that I got free on her website. Machine appliqued.

Continued progress

No pictures of the quilt today, but I have made progress on my son's graduation quilt. I spent many hours finding the right pictures to use to go on the quilt. I have every school photo from preschool to present. I'm also going to put several from his senior year.....

I even was able to get signatures of members of his graduating class last week on a piece of fabric. (Not too hard to do as he goes to a small school.)
He missed school Wednesday so I enlisted one of his friends. They were on a bus heading to a college fair and she passed around the piece of fabric I had taped onto a piece of cardboard. She just instructed them to sign their names. No one knew what it was for. I plan to put it on the backing of the quilt.

The last thing I have been doing is working on some of the freestyle letters (Tonya's instructions) to use on the borders of his quilt...I've put his name and "PHS Class of 2006" What fun they were to do!!! I just wish I had made them a little larger...but I think they'll look great.

I'm hoping to get it all pulled together during our spring break (I'm a 4th grade teacher.) It is the last week of March. I'll post a picture as soon as the top's completed.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The retreat I went to last weekend was great. There were over 50 of us there. We get together twice a year at a local state park. We start sewing on Friday afternoon and end on Sunday afternoon. I was absolutely worn out when I came home! It's always fun to see all of the projects and this time was no exception.

I worked on the Random Ohio Stars quilt(pattern on quiltville.com) that I'm making for my 18 yo son. He graduates from high school in May and I'm doing it as a surprise. My plan is to put photo transfers in place of the solid 6" blocks. I've been going through photos all day to make my choices. The Stars are ready...I just need to get my photos done and put it together. (The photos will go where the carpet is showing through.) I made these all out of stash in colors that are close to the high school's colors of maroon and gold.

Another project that I worked on was a 2005 BOM from my favorite quilt shop. (This shop sponsors the retreat) I made the 12 pieced blocks using their fabrics/placements but I added the 6 Rose Of Sharon appliques. Of course, everyone will choose different settings, etc. I put mine on point. I love the way it has turned out. I put a scrappy 9 patch around the outer edge. I'm not sure if I'm going to add a final border or not. Either way ...I love it.